Common Prepress File Preparation Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

The process of pressing is often fraught with mistakes, and not catching them early can be an incredibly expensive mistake. Essentially, this is a digital machine that accepts data and converts it into a printing plate. This plate is then used to print your design into different merchandise. This article walks you through some of the key areas where you can run into mistakes while using prepress services

How does a prepress work?

If you know anything about printing or working with a printing company, you’ve heard of prepress. This is a process that is crucial for your understanding if you’re working with a printing company or trying to manufacture merch for your business. 

Any mistake while manufacturing can be catastrophic and cause a major loss of funds. Different file sizes, file types, and output needs can all change the speed of the printing process, so getting a trained team can help make the process faster.

What are the common mistakes you run into while working with prepress?

The following outlines all the essential steps of prepress:

File verification

Digital files are usually prepared for prepress by a design packaging agency. Usually, you would run into issues concerning the following:

  • bleeds, margins, and crop marks
  • page size
  • fonts
  • knock-out elements
  • Images

File size errors

Any images getting printed through a prepress need to be at 300 psi at the minimum. If not, it can be quite difficult for the print to be high quality.

Color grading and dimensions

Designers focus a lot of time on color grading using balance, the color wheel, and different overlay tools to get the color to be exact. However, that doesn’t mean the color can’t come out looking a little off. 


This is the step where the final “proof” or the design is confirmed by the clients before it is sent to the express for the process of being printed. In this stage, there can be errors in preference.

Mold and sleeve production

This is the final step, where the printing cylinders and sleeves are processed, and there can be several errors with the sleeves coming out wonky or having a bad fit.

The final print

Even if the mold comes out perfect, there can be errors in the final print. You need to be meticulous in this stage to make sure that the print is high-quality, has clean visuals, and has an even design and accurate colors that match the original design.

Wrapping Up

That brings us to close this article, covering all the common mistakes that you can run into while working with a prepress and how to avoid them. Hopefully, With the right team to choose for your work, each step can run smoothly with proper communication.

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